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Service info
Smart Conference
1. What is it?
- Smart Conference allows conference calls using iQphone Number service.
- You can share a conference call with anyone anywhere in the world.
- Regular mobiles and phones can join a conference call.
- Calls between iQphone Numbers are free of charge and regular call rates do apply when calling mobiles and landlines.
- Smart
Conference - iQphone NumberFREE
- Live10 FREE
- Regular Phone Paid
- iQphone Number FREE
2. How to use
- Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to Conference setting page.
- Step2 2. Schedule a time for a conference and set its access code.
- Step3 3. Tell friends your iQphone Number and the access code.
- Step4 4. Conference call is now possible with 3 or more people.
Smart Forwarding
1. What is it?
- Smart Forwarding allows incoming calls to iQphone Number to be redirected to another telephone number
- Smart Forwarding can redirects incoming calls to up to 3 different phone numbers.
- If the incoming call is from iQphone Number or Live10, it is free of charge. All other incoming calls will be charged.
- Smart Forwarding
- Call
- Forwarding 1
- Forwarding 2
- Forwarding 3
2. How to use
- Step11. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Forwarding' setting page.
- Step22. Enter the phone number to be forwarded to in 'Favorite Number'
- Step33. Set priorities in 'Forwarding Setting.'
- Step44. Receiving calls will be forwarded according to configured priorities.
Smart Roaming
1. What is it?
- Smart Roaming allows any calls made to iQphone Number to be forwarded to a local number of the place you are traveling
- Smart Forwarding can redirects incoming calls to up to 3 different phone numbers.
- If the incoming call is from iQphone Number or Live10, it is free of charge. All other incoming calls will be charged.
- Smart Roaming
- Call
- Forwarding
1 - Forwarding
2 - Forwarding
2. How to use
- Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Forwarding' setting page.
- Step2 2. Enter the phone number to be forwarded to in 'Favorite Number'
- Step3 3. Set priorities in 'Forwarding Setting.'
- Step4 4. Receiving calls will be forwarded according to configured priorities.
Smart ARS
1. What is it?
- When you are unable to receive calls, you can enable ARS (Automated Response System).
- ARS supports voice and SMS.
- ARS can be configured for specific targets up to 3 different customizable configurations.
- Smart ARS
- Call
- ARS1 Family
SMS - ARS2 Office
voice - ARS3 Friends
2. How to use
- Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'ARS' setting page.
- Step2 2. Add ARS in 'ARS List'
- Step3 3. Set up configuration in 'ARS Setting'
- Step4 4. ARS is activated when there is an incoming call.
Smart Access
1. What is it?
- Smart Access allows users to make outgoing calls of iQphone Number service without needing an iQphone Device.
- Call your iQphone Number anywhere you are and enter your access code in order to use iQphone Number's outgoing calling service conveniently at low cost.
- Smart ARS
- Call
- iQphone
Serice - Smart
2. How to use
- Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Access' page.
- Step2 2. Change 'Access Use' setting to Y and set an access code.
- Step3 3. Call to iQphone Number and enter the access code.
- Step4 4. Enter a phone number to call.
Smart Home
1. What is it?
- iQphone Number service offers Smart Group/Call and Extension number features to create Smart Home & Office environment.
- Smart Group/Call allows calls to be made to a multiple persons at the same time using shortcut keys.
- Extension Numberallows members to use 3-digit extension numbersconveniently create internal numbers.
- iQphone Device is required to use Smart Group/Call and Extension Number features.
- Smart
Group/Call - iQphone Phone Device
- Shortcut Key
ex)99 - Group Call
- Shortcut Key
- Extension
Number - Ext.001 iQphone Phone Device
- Extension Number
ex)Ext.999 - Ext.999
2. How to use
- Step1 1. Request iQphone Number and iQphone Device.
- Step2 2. Register your iQphone Device.
- Step3 3. Create shortcut keys(101~199) and press '*' and assigned shortcut key to make a group call to all belonging phone numbers.
- Step44. Select 'Invite' button and enter inviting member's iQphone Number to call using 3-digit extension numbers.
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