Service info

Smart Conference

  • 1. What is it?

    • Smart Conference allows conference calls using iQphone Number service.
    • You can share a conference call with anyone anywhere in the world.
    • Regular mobiles and phones can join a conference call.
    • Calls between iQphone Numbers are free of charge and regular call rates do apply when calling mobiles and landlines.
    iQphone NumberFREE
    Live10 FREE
    Regular Phone Paid
    iQphone Number FREE
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to Conference setting page.
    2. Step2 2. Schedule a time for a conference and set its access code.
    3. Step3 3. Tell friends your iQphone Number and the access code.
    4. Step4 4. Conference call is now possible with 3 or more people.

Smart Forwarding

  • 1. What is it?

    • Smart Forwarding allows incoming calls to iQphone Number to be redirected to another telephone number
    • Smart Forwarding can redirects incoming calls to up to 3 different phone numbers.
    • If the incoming call is from iQphone Number or Live10, it is free of charge. All other incoming calls will be charged.
    Smart Forwarding
    Forwarding 1
    Forwarding 2
    Forwarding 3
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step11. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Forwarding' setting page.
    2. Step22. Enter the phone number to be forwarded to in 'Favorite Number'
    3. Step33. Set priorities in 'Forwarding Setting.'
    4. Step44. Receiving calls will be forwarded according to configured priorities.

Smart Roaming

  • 1. What is it?

    • Smart Roaming allows any calls made to iQphone Number to be forwarded to a local number of the place you are traveling
    • Smart Forwarding can redirects incoming calls to up to 3 different phone numbers.
    • If the incoming call is from iQphone Number or Live10, it is free of charge. All other incoming calls will be charged.
    Smart Roaming
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Forwarding' setting page.
    2. Step2 2. Enter the phone number to be forwarded to in 'Favorite Number'
    3. Step3 3. Set priorities in 'Forwarding Setting.'
    4. Step4 4. Receiving calls will be forwarded according to configured priorities.

Smart ARS

  • 1. What is it?

    • When you are unable to receive calls, you can enable ARS (Automated Response System).
    • ARS supports voice and SMS.
    • ARS can be configured for specific targets up to 3 different customizable configurations.
    Smart ARS
    ARS1 Family
    ARS2 Office
    ARS3 Friends
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'ARS' setting page.
    2. Step2 2. Add ARS in 'ARS List'
    3. Step3 3. Set up configuration in 'ARS Setting'
    4. Step4 4. ARS is activated when there is an incoming call.

Smart Access

  • 1. What is it?

    • Smart Access allows users to make outgoing calls of iQphone Number service without needing an iQphone Device.
    • Call your iQphone Number anywhere you are and enter your access code in order to use iQphone Number's outgoing calling service conveniently at low cost.
    Smart ARS
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step1 1. Register an iQphone Number and go to 'Access' page.
    2. Step2 2. Change 'Access Use' setting to Y and set an access code.
    3. Step3 3. Call to iQphone Number and enter the access code.
    4. Step4 4. Enter a phone number to call.

Smart Home

  • 1. What is it?

    • iQphone Number service offers Smart Group/Call and Extension number features to create Smart Home & Office environment.
    • Smart Group/Call allows calls to be made to a multiple persons at the same time using shortcut keys.
    • Extension Numberallows members to use 3-digit extension numbersconveniently create internal numbers.
    • iQphone Device is required to use Smart Group/Call and Extension Number features.
    iQphone Phone Device
    Shortcut Key
    Group Call
    Shortcut Key
    Ext.001 iQphone Phone Device
    Extension Number
  • 2. How to use

    1. Step1 1. Request iQphone Number and iQphone Device.
    2. Step2 2. Register your iQphone Device.
    3. Step3 3. Create shortcut keys(101~199) and press '*' and assigned shortcut key to make a group call to all belonging phone numbers.
    4. Step44. Select 'Invite' button and enter inviting member's iQphone Number to call using 3-digit extension numbers.
Live10 No.

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